Sunday, March 21, 2010

snow from hell

I'm not going to beat around the bush here, as you can tell from my title. I was a little pissed off about the weather this weekend.
Let's get down to it.
I really really really would like to be here:

Bora Bora. You can blame the movie Couple's Retreat. It was filmed here from what I've heard, and I want to go there desperately. Sigh.
This weekend, I was supposed to go here:

Legends in Kansas City. To see this little guy:

My sweet little nephew Brayton. He's 8 months old and I haven't seen him since October.
Instead, we got crappy weather. It made us stuck here in Wichita so we could not go to Kansas City. Nor am I in Bora Bora. I was here all weekend;
looking at the snow from Hell. Because it was hellaciously annoying that plans for a road trip in March were thwarted by a stinkin snow storm. Grrr.
On the upside of all this, because Brooke and I were especially bummed about our plans getting screwed up, we went to the bowling alley for some family bowling and pizza fun on Saturday. We made the most of a disappointment, and had a decent weekend...
but dude get me outta here! Thank GOD our vacation is in a little over a month!

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Oh, Angie! You grew up in Iowa, how can you expect snow storms to end before April? Do you remember how every March, during the girls' state basketball tournament, we would have some sort of winter storm? I think this was just a delayed version.

I do agree though - it sucked! I also agree that Bora Bora looks to.die.for!