I bet you think this post is going to be about New Year's Resolutions.
I prefer to not call this project by such a name.
NYResolutions never seem to make it.
Granted, since I am going on a cruise in 5 months, you can bet I'm stepping up my exercise regimen and stepping down my calorie intake. I have a new bathing suit to buy. (blech).
And granted, I'm hoping to get myself to kick the nail-nibbling habit AGAIN. I did it before, then when Brooke started kindergarten it kind of sent me into a tail spin. I've gotta get back on track there, because I'd like pretty nails on the end of my fat fingers.
But the Worthwhile Challenge 2011 is a challenge I'm putting upon myself that I am going to share with you here on this blog, and with my family at the kitchen table.
I'm challenging myself to try at least ONE new recipe PER WEEK. Now, Julie on "Julie and Julia" made about 370 new recipes in one year. My goals are not that lofty, nor am I that crazy. But I've got a slew of cookbooks, and a bunch of cooking sites/blogs that I like, so I figure it's time to set forth a plan to actually try some of the stuff.
Each week I will post a report on the recipe I tried for that week. It may or may not include pictures. But I'll tell you how I made it, how it turned out, and if we think we'll eat it again :)
So if a week goes by without a "new recipe report".... give me a nudge and remind me!
And perhaps on the weeks where the new recipe is high in calories, I'll also report my excerise accomplishments too ;)
Who wants to join me in this challenge? If you do, leave me a note....and each week you are welcome to send me your recipe to include on my report as well. (Or link to the recipe if it's online). If you've got a blog and want to link back to this post and do the Worthwhile Challenge and report it on your blog too- go for it :)
Have a great day!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
Hi friend! Look, I'm back (at least I hope so) and I've wanted to do this for some time. So I ask myself, Why not tie it in with your challenge? Seeing no good reason not to, I think I'll join!
Now, what to try this week...
We have done this for a while (even before the gluten free diet) and my whole family know we do it; I am often asked what our new recipe was this week, more often than not if it is good, I type it up and send it to the 'hords'. Dont forget to keep a note of what you did and when, write family 'reviews' in the cook book (they are the only books I will write in). Another challenge (and this is tricky) try a new recipe with your holiday meals. Ours this year was green bean casserole from scratch - including the fried onions. Have fun experimenting.
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