While the name may not be overly appealing, once I read the recipe, I decided it might be worth trying.
This recipe came from a cookbook published by the grocery store that I grew up with, Hy Vee. My mom bought me their "Seasons-Comfort Foods" cookbook a few years ago. It's got some good stuff in it!

Here's the recipe...or my variation thereof.
Here's the recipe...or my variation thereof.
Brown 1 lb ground beef, drain and set aside.
In large stockpot, melt 1 tablespoon of butter and saute 3/4 cup chopped onion and 3/4 cup shredded carrot with 1.5 tsp of Mrs. Dash until veggies are tender.
(Angie note: it also called for 3/4 cup diced celery which I did not have, nor am I a huge fan of cooked celery. and the Mrs. Dash was used since I did not have any dried basil or parsley...and I was out of Italian seasoning which would have been my first replacement for those two!).
Add cooked beef, 4 cups diced/peeled potatoes and 3 cups of beef broth. Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer about 15 minutes until potatoes are tender.
While that is simmering, in a small saucepan melt 3 Tablesppons butter. Add 1/4 cup flour, cook and stir for a few minutes. Add 1.5 cups of milk, and once that is whisked smooth, add in 8 ounces of Velveeta, stirring until it is fully melted.
Add cheese sauce mix to the stockpot and heat through. Stir in 1/4 cup sour cream the last few minutes of cooking.
We served this with some breadsticks, which was great for mopping up every last bite.
I'm so glad I tried this one. It was so good.... hearty, good flavor, inexpensive, and easy.
Matt really liked it. I really liked it.
Brooke gave it two thumbs up.
Hannah had spaghetti-o's.
So.... I challenge you, my readers. To try one of the four recipes I've posted so far this year and report in.... OR share some other new recipe you have tried. You can post it in the comments section.
Have a great night!
I am going to try the KS City Steak Soup. Will let you know what I think!
Mmmm, this chowder sounds good. Will add ingredients to my grocery list!
ok, i made the KC steak soup last night. I did the roux a little different, used the pan I browned the steak in added 2 tbsp margarine and 2 tbsp flour and used the roux to get the yummy brown bits off the bottom of the pan. It worked great and cut down on the butter. Used green beans, peppers, broccoli, coliflower and corn as the veggies. I also doubled it. Turned out really yummy!!! Thanks!
@ "Hannah had Spagetti O's" Cracked me UP! This recipe sounds easy and so good for a cold day! Thanks for sharing it! I'm all about trying new (tested) recipes! Thanks!
~God Bless,
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