What are you thankful for?!
My cousin-in-law posted on her blog her top 10 things she is thankful for, and challenged fellow bloggers to do the same. So here I am. And I pass the challenge onto you! If you don't have a blog, you are welcome to share your thoughts in the comments section.
My list is going to be a random smattering of "serious" items and "silly" ones, and I'm not posting them in a specific order.
1. I am thankful that we have a God that loves us unconditionally, meets us where we are, and loves us enough to send Jesus to die on the cross for us. Yeah God!
2. I am thankful for my hard-working husband, who loves me and our girls with all his heart. Even on his grumpier days (which tend to be Thursday & Friday b/c he's so worn out from the week), there is never a doubt about his love.
3. I am thankful for my beautiful little girls. Brooke, the enthusiastic, exuberant whirlwind; and Hannah the funny, sweet self-entertaining one.
4. I am thankful for medication. Prescription and Over the Counter. If someone says they don't feel good I say "did you take anything?" I'm thankful that someone out there was smart enough to come up with drugs that help headaches, cramps, sinus', post-partum depression, and insomnia. YEAH YOU, whoever you are!!
5. I am thankful for this recipe for Caramel Chex. It is my new favorite snack.
6. I am thankful for all my friends, old and new-- you make my world go 'round. OXOX to you all!
7. I am extremely thankful that I am blessed to be a stay at home mom. I love this job. Taking care of my family and my household. I still will say that my worst day at home is better than my best day in the corporate world.
8. I am thankful to be a part-time travel agent, working from home. It is so fun helping people plan their trips, and it helps pay for some things that the regular budget doesn't allow for. Plus it helps me keep my foot in the adult world a little more firmly.
9. I am thankful for all things Disney. We are Disney nuts. I'm so excited and thankful to be owners in Disney Vacation Club-- and the fact that we have 50 years of awesome vacations and memory-making-moments ahead of us!
10. I am thankful for my entire family-mom, dad, brother, step-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, cousin-in-laws. Some of my best memories in life come from the time spent with extended family. OXOX to you all!
I hope Thanksgiving is a special time for you. Even if you are not with all your family, I hope you find time to count your blessings!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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