Did I tell you about how I cleaned my house and kept it that way? Yep. Still hanging in there. Thought you would like to know.
I am also apparently in a "Spend money on the house" kick. We got our roof-which fortunately insurance paid for. We got a new dining room--which actually the leftover insurance paid for. I'm wanting to get a new area rug for the living room. I'd like to get the whole upstairs recarpeted but we might have to wait on that for awhile. I decided I was tired of looking at the little round table with the to-the-floor-table cloth and round piece of glass over the top that was in the hallway upstairs. So...what is it? 80s? 90s? I don't know. Just tired of it. So I went to Target yesterday and bought this nifty set of narrow shelves with a drawer at the bottom to go in the corner of the hallway by the girls' bathroom. And I put it together by myself. (which was not the easiest task in the world might I say). Now I need to get it accessorized. I ran out of time yesterday.
I've got the itch to get the girls bathroom repainted/decorated. It's just been pretty boring since we moved in-- the original (not so great) border, the original flat-off-white paint. So one of these days, Matt is going to come home and the border is going to be torn down. We're going to do a ladybug themed bathroom. I'm going to paint tall grass and put ladybugs all over, etc. It will be cute if I do say so myself.
Now... I just need to get myself back on a roll with a)not snacking ie counting calories and b) scrapbooking. I've got to get my butt back in gear on that. At least to get to where I want to be on things. I need to finish Hannah's baby book and I need to scrapbook the cruise from last year. Then I will evaluate if that is something I want to keep doing or just start doing digital books on winkflash.
All these lofty goals and ideas, in the midst of getting busy on Christmas stuff! I've got 8 Christmas trees to get decorated!!!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
I need to get myself back on the counting calories bandwagon - maybe we can help keep each other in line?
Umm...8 Christmas trees? :0
You go girl!!! Can I have some money to spend on my house?? :)
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