...such a blog-slacker!!!
10. I'm feeling uninspired and low on creativity
9. We are kind of in our summer routine, so things are pretty "same ol, same ol"
8. All my exciting news I've been putting on facebook; that I've run a mile or more all at once a few different times lately, the girls are doing good, I became an aunt, etc.
7. Hannah has been c-r-a-b-b-y-- I'm really hoping we get some new teeth soon as we have not gotten any since our cruise!! She still just has 6 and she's 17 months old!
6. I've actually been trying to do a little house cleaning and organizing, and maintaining it!
5. Matt and I spend a lot of time vying for computer time once the girls are in bed. We sooo need a laptop.
4. The weather is cooler so we've been doing some walks (wagon rides) in the evenings, along with the usual sprinkler time, etc.
3. I've been working on stuff for the Mothers and More Open House, which I am chairing again this year. I find if I start early and do a little bit here and there, it is easier to handle.
2. I've been busy doing a lot of other random little stuff; getting quotes on the roof that will hopefully get replaced via insurance, some travel agent work, some planning of our Vegas trip, some kindergarten preparation, etc.
1. I have developed a serious(ly ridiculous) addiction to Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. It is taking up way too much of my time and attention!
Forgive me, loyal reader(s)! And what have YOU been up to?
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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