YIPPPEEE! I became an aunt (finally) at 143 this morning! My brother and sister-in-law welcome Brayton Joe to the family! I don't know when I'll get to meet the little guy (they are about 6 hrs away), but I'm excited he's here! My bro and I are 8 yrs apart, so I had to wait awhile!
Now....onto the "Banana Cake Story."
Today I am making banana cake for Matt. He's been a little crabby about work lately (albeit always happy to have a job!), and the heat doesn't make things any better. So I try to keep him supplied with yummy baked goods to cheer him up when he gets home.
There are 2 reasons I am making this particular goody-- the first being that I got a new recipe from our friend Michelle and happened to have all the ingredients, so decided to give it a go.
The second being because banana cake is something Matt will never live down. Let me insert a note here--Matt doesn't read my blog....and the upcoming story is one that he would probably be mortified that I told on my blog. So--blogreaders-- you have now become part of our secret bananacake story society. Never let on to Matt (or his mom!) that I posted this story ;)
Even back when we were brand-spankin-new newlyweds, I had a hankerin for baking. I made "hello dollies" for dessert. Matt got a call from his mom asking if we wanted to come over for dinner. Fine with me, I hadn't come up with a dinner. When we were getting ready to leave I said "hey! I made hello dollies!" (and I think I suggested we take them with us). Matt's reply- which he will never live-down was "You can keep your hello dollies, Mom made banana cake!". Now depending on the inflection you put on this sentence, it might not be a big deal. But when he said it, it was an enthusiastic-can't wait-for mom's banana cake which will beat hello-dollies anyday- tone of voice! I looked at him, this new husband of mine, with an "I can't believe you seriously just said that to your new wife." He backpedalled real quick...but that statement will forever live in infamy.
Not much banana cake has been eaten since... his mom doesn't really make it much, and after that I didn't bother to try. But today, because I'm a rockstar wife even 10 years into this marriage, I am making him banana cake.
And he damn well better LOVE IT!!!!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
1 comment:
As a newly sworn member of the secret banana cake society I promise not to spread that very funny story about Matt! How did the cake turn out?
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