I just came across an article about a family...they were driving back to Texas from Colorado on July 3rd and were hit head-on by a vehicle that had crossed the center line. The parents were killed instantly. The three kids became orphans instantly. The youngest sustained several broken bones, and the two brothers (all under the age of 10) are paralyzed and face weeks and weeks of rehab. The doctors doubt either will ever walk again. How tragic... to lose your parents and your 'normal' life as you know it. Please pray for these kids. There is a website set up to take donations for their ongoing medical issues, educations, etc. It is www.showyourhearts.org
On a completely different side of things, I have an old friend. One I grew up with and graduated with, Jeff. He and his wife are going on a mission trip to Sierra Leone, Africa through an organization called "The Raining Season." Here is what they wrote to me in a facebook message:
'Sierra Leone is considered one of the poorest nations in the world. Years of civil war have left the country with 60-80% unemployment and horrendous living conditions. Sierra Leone is the size of North Carolina with a population of 6 million people. Freetown, the capital, has a population of 2 million, even though it only has the infrastructure to support 200,000. Due to poverty and civil war, Sierra Leone has a staggering 350,000 orphans.
Sierra Leone has two seasons, one is rainy and one is dry. The rainy season is a constant struggle for the people of Sierra Leone. Roads are impassable, labor jobs are difficult to find, and disease is rampant due to stagnant waters...' '....we have friends who started The Raining Season...and opened The Covering, an orphanage that is a refuge for 87 orphans. It's the goal of the Raining Season to Help Hope Rain Down on the children and families..."
As you can imagine, a trip like this is expensive. If you can support them as they go to the U.N.-dubbed 'hell on earth' where they will give of their time and love to the people of this devastating place, please consider doing so. You can mail a check to Jeff Rodgers, 8655 NE 110th Street, Kansas City, MO 64157. You can support them with prayer. And you can learn more about the whole thing at www.therainingseason.org
We're all pretty lucky here, for the most part. Sure, it's hotter than hell, we'd all like extra money, our kids give us grey hairs. But after reading stories like this.... kinda hard to even care about the 'little things' that are plaguing us, don't you think? Please consider sharing a bit of yourself in one way or another with either or both of these missions.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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