Gasp! In the midst of surviving a rainy Spring Break, taking the girls swimming, and trying not to wheeze from what seems to be chlorine inhalation (the indoor pool always make me wheezy when I get home), I almost forgot that it's Disney Fever Thursday!
Today I am going to give you some good tips for travelling with munchkins.
1. Do not spend all the time leading up to the trip telling your three year old 'We're going to go see Mickey!!"....because when you arrive and are soaking in the THRILL of walking down Main Street USA, seeing the castle for the first time, etc... your three year old might be totally unimpressed and looking around going "Where's Mickey?!". Been there, done that, had to go find the mouse immediately so we could THEN get on with the excitement of it ALL.
2. Do not go to WDW without some sort of attack plan. It's huge, and you can't just randomly roll out of bed, show up, and do whatever. Ya gotta have a strategy. No you don't have to have every minute planned, but you have to have a plan in mind. That's where a helpful travel agent like ME comes in handy. :)
3. I've noticed this year that Hannah is the right height to be in my blind spot. She'll be standing just behind me but my elbow/arm makes me not able to see her. She's also ridiculously social. For the trip this year, I ordered personalized wrist-bands. Those rubber, debossed ones. I got two of them for $12 including shipping, they say "Faith, Trust, Pixie Dust" on the front, and "Mom Cell#@@@-xxx-1234" on the inside. So IF we get lost or separated, they can tell a cast member how to get ahold of me. Neurotic mommy moment? Maybe. Just better to be safe than sorry! I ordered mine from
4. Stay onsite. And if you can swing it, stay at a deluxe resort. WDW is all about location, and the deluxe resorts are either on a monorail or within walking to distance to the park. We have always stayed in the Magic Kingdom area right on the monorail. This makes life sooo sooo much easier when you have a little one. You can just head back to the hotel for some rest time, get out of the heat, and swim for awhile too. It really helps to have downtime in the afternoon. I think people who drag their 3 year old to the park first thing in the morning and stay there till it closes deal with a lot more meltdowns than we do! :)
5. I was recently asked to list the three things I must do on a Disney trip. The answer varies per family member I suppose. The girls would say: Ride Small World, Have a Mickey Bar, go Swimming, meet characters. My answer would be: Ride Aerosmith Rock-n-roller coaster, eat at Ohanas, and take pictures in front of the castle.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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