10. If you are going to get a dog for a pet, namely a beagle, you should not get it and then leave it outside. To.Bark.All.The.Time. Dogs are supposed to be joyous, not torturing your neighbor with the incessant barking when they are trying to fall asleep or trying to not wake up. If you want a pet to do that with, get a cat.
9. If you drive 1.5 blocks to the bus stop to pick up your kids on an afternoon when it is gorgeous and about 60 degrees, I think you are lazy. Ridiculously lazy.
8. If you set up your dentist appointments so that you and your two children all go back to back, take some tylenol with you. You will surely have a headache by the time the two hours are up.
7. If you are the person opening a Chick-Fil-A here in town, you are a hero in my book. Hallelujiah.
6. If your upper arms are starting to show signs of the turkey jiggle, it's time to break out the weights. Note to self.
5. If you take the dog for a walk, take a bag to pick up the poop. But only from the yards of people who are anal and cranky, or people you like. But if it's a butthead of a neighbor, or they already have their own 150 pound dog pooping in their yard, your little 10 pound dog ain't gonna do much. That's my theory.
4. It never fails that the day after you hit the grocery store, someone calls for a cake order that is going to require another grocery store run.
3. I love being a travel agent. I love specializing in Disney. But I discovered this lady who is a Disney personal shopper. She lives near WDW and she will go get whatever must-have-thing you want from the parks, mark it up 10% and ship it to you. I want her job now.
2. This is the last day for me to have a three year old. Tomorrow, she shall turn four.
1. The NEXT POST will be my 400th post!!!! How exciting is that?!? And you know what that means?!? a GIVEAWAY. a big fun giveaway. Stay tuned.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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