Some current random thoughts
1. The last few weeks have kicked my butt on busyness
2. Yes. Yes I have finally got sucked into Pinterest. So many craft ideas, totally no time or budget.
3. Can I tell you that I'm ready for Christmas to be here solely because I'm tired of the damn Elf on the Shelf? Coming up with new ideas/hiding places is frying my brain.
4. There is nothing quite as grotesquely satisfying as pulling Chewbacca out of your bathroom drain. Really. Is it not triumphant? Booyah.
5. Here was my day after Brooke got on the bus and Hannah went to grandmas: Zumba, groceries, Christmas project, take H to preschool, call dr for hubs, Christmas project, other grocery store, party at preschool, make chicken enchiladas, make snacks for B's class for tomorrow, make 70 chocolate spoons, tuck kids in, make tags for spoons, send 20 reminder emails, write a scavenger hunt for a neighbor to use on her kids on Christmas morning, blog. Think I'm tired? You betcha.
6. There is no chore I hate more than getting groceries in the rain. Today I did it at two stores. In pouring rain. Not awesome.
7. If this rain had turned to snow and snowed until about noon on tuesday, I'd be a happy camper. Because we got a ton of rain, which would've been a tonner more snow ;) (yes I know that's not a word.
8. Conversation repeated 6 times today: H: my nose hurts
Me: keep your finger out of it!
9 I have got to crash. You are not getting a number 10.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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