Back on Christmas Traditions Guest Post #2, I had a Scooter's gift card giveaway...and am pleased to announce that Shelley is the winner! Shelley, please check your email/junk mail and contact me with your address.
Jennifer...your necklace is being mailed this week. :0)
I'm done shopping for the kids. Have no idea what to get the hubster. Pretty much got all the ideas for parents in my head, just have to execute them. (the ideas, not the parents). But, just in case you were wondering, here is my Christmas wish list... in no particular order. Feel free to get me anything on the list your heart desires.
1. Massage gift certificates from Serenity.
2. A plane ticket to go see my friends Chuck and Mark in Philadelphia. (Or, a surprise visit from them would work too).
3. World peace
4. A monthly date night with the hubster
5. A gift certificate to CakeStuff
6. A kitchen remodel /redecorate. I'm thinking something fun and vintagey--like an old fashioned soda shop. Doesn't that seem so "me"?
7. This bracelet from The Bradford Exchange.
8. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
9. Undies and bras, bras and undies.
10. Referrals and your patronage to my baking and travel businesses.
11. Barnes and Noble gift cards, so I can read all the smutty romance novels my heart desires.
12. Diamonds are always good. I could use a pair of diamond stud earrings. I don't have any.
13. Cupcakes shipped to me from Georgetown Cupcakes. I want to see how they ship the darn things.
14. Love, affection, and prayers from friends and family.
15. Dinner. That I don't have to plan, prepare, clean up, or purchase.
And what is on your wishlist?
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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