The weather has been GLORIOUS the last few days. My mood has improved 10-fold over what it is when it is hot. I'm much much happier now that I can check the mail without breaking a sweat. It is a wonderful wonderful thing.
I love is my favorite season. I sat here thinking this morning about all the media hype, rumors, unanswered questions regarding what is going to happen with Hawker Beech and Matt's job... and I honestly had the thought that I am glad that this is all blowing up in the fall. At least it is not the hot miserable summer with distressing news coming from all directions. I can handle the drama much better in fall weather! :)
In the last week or so, Hannah and I have taken many walks, enjoyed some time at the park, while as a family we have enjoyed evenings in the backyard, and Matt and I have sat together in front of the chiminea after the girls have gone to bed. I have baked the previously posted pumpkin muffins, I made an AWESOME apple bundt cake with caramel icing, and my house has smelled heavenly.
Thanks God for the seasons you give us in Kansas. Thank you for the crisp air, the cooler temperature, the beautiful mums that I see blooming everywhere. Fall makes me happy. Thanks God for that.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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