What is this on my shoulders?
Nothing. A weight has been lifted off.
All weekend I fretted about the bus thing. The bus company had told me I had to take our problem to the school and they would have to file a complaint/investigation request. I worried that our school wouldn't do it. I was worried it wouldn't get anywhere. I prayed and prayed. Poor brooke kept praying that the bus situation would get better.
I emailed the principal yesterday (an inservice day). This morning the assistant principal emailed me back. She said that in the past they complaints of the parents always have gone directly to the bus company. The new bus company was telling me otherwise. She was going to find out what the procedure was and get back with me.
In the meantime, my neighbor drove the kids to school this morning. I met the bus to ask Mr. Crabby where Brooke's seating assignment was going to be. He didn't even have her on the seating chart! He said he'd put her up front with one of the neighbor kids. I told him that the kids were too upset to ride this morning. He was not very receptive.
Neighbor drove the kids. Tracked down Mr. Crabby and talked to him too. Went and spoke with the assistant principal.
AP called me this afternoon. Told me that it is indeed the bus company that I should be talking to, and gave me a contact person. She said she would call that person too, and let them know that is is not okay for our students to be in an environment that is so upsetting to them. I said I'd let her call first and I'd call soon. AP told me that she had SEVERAL parents calling her about this bus situation.
I kept thinking, "If we had Greg...I wouldn't have had to deal with any of this!"
Thirty minutes later, AP called me back. She said, "I've been trying to call the bus company. The lady just called me and told me she'd had three phone calls from upset parents already and that the bus driver would be removed from the route starting tomorrow morning. She was extremely apologetic that you've had such a rough go of it!"
Nothing against Mr. Crabby. I just don't think he's cut out for driving elementary kids around. Hopefully they'll put him on a junior high or high school route and all will be okay for him.
I decided to call the bus company anyways. The lady was all over getting it taken care of and apologizing that we had gone through a rough start like this. I told her that while they were making changes, it sure would be good if getting Greg back could be part of the change. She said she'd check on it.
I popped into the school office this afternoon, picking up PTO paperwork while picking up Brooke and the neighbor kids. I heard the AP talking to the secretary. She said "does she know yet?"... and then she said, "hey Angie...guess what...?!" ummmm.....? "You're getting Greg back! i don't know how you got them to do that, but they are seriously bending over backwards to make amends on this and get things right with this!".
I'm not going to believe it till I see it. We should have him on Monday. I'm not telling Brooke either.... But I'm secretly doing the happy dance!! For now, I'm just happy Mr. Crabby is not going to be driving our kids and yelling at them. If I do indeed see Greg on Monday, I'll be over the moon. :) Thank goodness! I'll let you know if the Greg thing actually happens, but for now....one prayer answered!
Godspeed Fred. I'm sure you are a nice person deep down... you just weren't cut out for a bus full of elementary kids.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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