Blog readers, I need you to say a little prayer.
I know God is busy comforting people, healing people, making it rain, and many number of miracles.
But I need you to pray we can get our old bus driver back.
Last year we had GREG. We L-O-V-E-D Greg. He was fabulous. I missed him all summer long. He's just a treasure, and took such good care of our baby last year.
This year, the bus routes got kinda switched around, and they bid their routes (with the new bus company) based on seniority. Some guy named Fred has seniority on Greg and he picked our route.
I thought maybe we might like Fred. And maybe we still will. But to put it simple, he is not Greg.
I picked Brooke up yesterday and was there a few minutes early so I popped on over to the buses to chat with Greg and give the man a hug. I whined a little.
Today I called the bus company. I whined a little. Begged. The lady said that they couldn't ask Fred to switch without a reason but if both drivers were willing to switch they might be able to work it out. Greg needed to talk to Fred.
Saw Greg today (he still has the middle school route through our neighborhood). flagged him down and asked him to see if Fred would switch. He said he'd ask.
Pray that Fred will switch. Pray that the bus company will let them.
we want our Greg back. desperately.
Brooke got off the bus today, not very thrilled. Said Fred yelled at them a lot. Ten minutes later my neighbor called me. Said her kids said he was mean, yelled a lot, and even threatened to go back to the school if they weren't quiet. They said they weren't even loud, they were just whispering. He apparently doesn't want them to be talking at all. Hellllooo they are elementary kids. The neighbor kids don't want to get back on the bus. One of them was nearly in tears. I called another mom to see if their kid had said anything...and their kids also reported that he was mean and yelling a lot.
We want Greg. We want Greg. We want Greg.
Would you toss up a little prayer for me? Cross your fingers and toes? Light a candle? Whatever... the bus was such a difficult adjustment for us last year, and because of Greg it ended up being a wonderful year. I do not want to go backwards or have a crappy bus experience all year.
Fred might do better driving a bus for a nursing home.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
1 comment:
Oh no. Prayers your way. The bus driver is so very important! I know we would be crushed if our favorite Ms Debbie weren't here this year. I hope to see a post soon about Greg coming back to where he belongs!!
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