What would you buy if you won the lottery?
Besides the "normal things" like a house, or "pay off my family's houses," etc...what things do you wish you had the money for now would you get? Big or small?
Besides liposuction, a personal trainer, and a personal chef?
When I was a kid...early high school I think...my parents were in Amway. I think they called it Network Marketing then. It's had a lot of names. But it was Amway. One weekend their "upline" hosted a "dream weekend" in Omaha. One of the activities was to go shopping (window shopping) for all the things you would buy when you made big bucks. I remember picking out a gorgeous emerald green prom dress that I would choose if I could have spent several hundred dollars. I remember being at the Cadillac dealership, looking at cars with my parents. Somehow I made the alarm go off on one of them, and salesmen came out of the woodwork to see what was going on!
Here's my short list of things I'd buy if money was no object, again...the dream stuff...not the obvious stuff.
1. All new furniture for the house...except for our bedroom. I already love our bedroom furniture.
2. Replace all the carpeting upstairs.
3. More points at DVC. Duh
4. A dog. Duh. And I'd hand over a big chunk of money to Matt to pay for all future vet bills and boarding fees he seems to think would be an issue.
5. I'd fly in some fresh fish from somewhere. Can you say Alaskan King Crab? Yummo.
6. LASIK Eye surgery
7. If I had money at my disposal, I'd have a plane at my disposal too. So I could jet to the beach, WDW, or Iowa whenever I wanted. Perhaps I'd even go some other places too! And I wouldn't worry about crabby children on the airplane, because there wouldn't be anyone else on it.
8. Diamond earrings. Shouldn't every girl have a pair of diamond earrings? So far, this girl does not!
9. I'd get digital cable/DVR in every room in the house. So I wouldn't have to decide which of my two shows on Tuesday night I am NOT going to DVR so that Matt can DVR one. He'd have his very own DVR.
10. I'd get a digital SLR camera. I really really want one. With a macro lens, and some other kind of lens I can't remember the name of.
11. Can I buy a date with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, or Mark Wahlberg, or Bradley Cooper? Matt can come along. He can bring along Eva Longoria. Haha
12. I love to read. Love it love it love it. I am currently on a kick for books that are a good combo of smutty romance/intrigue. I can download books on the Barnes/Noble app on my iphone and read on it. It's great. I'd buy myself a great big $$ credit at BN.com for all my reading needs. Then I'd buy my BFF Debbi a Kindle or a Nook so she could be cool and download books like me.
13. I'm not totally selfish. I said "the dream stuff." Yes I'd help each family member out and a few select friends. I think I'd help a few select strangers. How fun would it be to randomly hand $100 bills to complete strangers, just because? If I had the money for that, I'd so do it. Really I would. Giving makes me happy. (But yes, so does getting!).
The list could go on and on and on. But don't you ever just sit there and dream about things you could do? People you could help? Places you could go?
For now... I'll have to settle for maybe buying carryout for dinner. Not in the budget, but I might just do it anyways!
(PS we just got a new computer and I have no pictures on it yet, thus the reason for this not too visually appealing post!).
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
1 comment:
Let's see. . .I would do some things around the house.
1) Put in a patio under our deck in the backyard. We're getting a bid on this next week. I'm not sure if we can afford it.
2) Get all new carpet and flooring (take carpet out of dining room.)
3) New roof. Our shingles only withstand like 20 mph winds. . .seriously.
4) Buy new dining room table.
5) Buy new washer and dryer.
Or, maybe just buy a whole new house! I'd keep my car, though. I like my car. Ryan could get a new truck.
6) Go on a dream vacation
7) Donate money to open a park or something in memory of Logan
8) Be able to try fertility treatments again to try for another baby, because let's face it. . .without me working, we just can't afford it.
9) Of course, I'd give money to family and friends, March of Dimes, infertility research and all of that.
10) Save a lot of it so that Olivia and Olivia's kids, grandkids, etc. will be set for life. :) Man, now I want to win the lottery.
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