Hello readers! For hanging in there with all the Disney posts, I am having a little giveaway today. But first, you have to take a quiz! (Then I'll know you read some of those posts!).
Here's what you do.
A) be a follower of the blog - if you're not yet, become one!
B) answer the following questions in the comments of this post. I've turned the comment settings to "hide" so no one can cheat and just use the other people's answers! I'll turn the comments back on after the quiz is over.
C) You have until Sunday night at 7p.m. cst to answer the quiz questions, then I'll randomly select the winner from all the entrants.
D) say in your comment which prize you would like if you win.
What are you going to win!? Today you get a choice of prizes. Since I've been in a major redecorating mood the last few weeks, I've got a $20 Hobby Lobby gift card to give away! If you're not a HobbyLobby girl, your other option is a one year subscription to the magazine called "All You." This is a great magazine, it's for real women. Women who want to save money, read short concise articles, has relevant snippets of information, and does not feature a bunch of $600 purses, etc. It's a realistic magazine and I love it. So those are your choices.
So here you go, the quiz. The questions you must answer. Seriously, it's only five questions. We can all survive that, right?
1. What is the name of the the Disney Vacation Club property that Matt
and I own at?
2. What park did we go to first?
3. What character was flirting with grandpa?
4. What is the name of the new ride at Hollywood Studios that is FUN, and 3D?
5. What are we doing for vacation next year?!
That's it! all the answers are located within the Disney recap posts. It's like an open book test! Go and post comments. OH.....and if you have a blog and give a shout out on your blog to this winning opportunity, let me know, and you will get a second entry!!!!! Send your peeps my way!
Have a great Friday! Hugs!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
1.Bay Lake tower
2. Anuimal Kingdom
4. Toy story mainia
5. Disney cruise
I'm ready to win! Can someone win twice? I hope soooooo since this would be my second win!
#1: Disney Vacation club...Bay lake tower
#2: Animal kingdom
#3: Minnie Mouse
#4: Toy Story Midway mania
#5: Disney Cruise line (so jealous...)
1. Bay Lake Tower (Got to see it on the Monorail. Awesome!)
2. Animal Kingdom (We actually LOVED it this time. Rode Expedition Everest 6 TIMES IN A ROW the night of EMH.)
3. Minnie Mouse. (She made my morning after having a rough start on Mother's Day.)
4. Toy Story Midway Mania (Yay extra fast fastpass! I guess we'll have to check out the Wii game since I didn't even realize it existed!)
5. Disney Cruise baby!!! On the Dream ship.
1. Bay Lake Tower - part of the Contemporary Resort
2. Animal Kingdom
3. Minnie Mouse
4. Toy Story Midway Mania
5. Disney Cruise - The Dream
** What great prizes! I think I would prefer the $20 Hobby Lobby gift card. I enjoyed reading all of your recaps. What an awesome vacation!
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