In honor of the recent Valentine's Day, I thought I'd write a little post about kissing. Most of us like to do it, we hope our kids don't start doing it too early, we prefer not to do it before teeth are brushed in the morning...
Do you remember your first kiss? The who, when and where? Or would you prefer to forget?
I will confess to you...I was one of the proverbial "sweet sixteen and never been kissed" girls in this world and it was mortifying. Apparently all the guys in my school thought I was a great friend, which was always heartbreaking. To this day I wonder if those idiots knew what they were missing, because dang it, I think I'm a great catch!!
I remember in 2nd grade I had a boyfriend-Charlie Britain. I remember exchanging notes around my birthday on if he was going to give me a kiss for my birthday or not. He didn't. And apparently I didn't date much after
My first kiss was Jesse. At church camp. The summer before my...senior year (?) of high school. Jesse was my camp boyfriend. Tuesday night they took us all up on a big hill for stargazing. You shared a pillow and stargazed with your camp sweetie if you had one. Great environment for a church camp--haha. So I got my first kiss that night. Jesse and I dated again the next summer, and actually into my first semester of college. We exchange emails on occasion to this day, he's in the army and in Iraq. Camp friends are always friends, even when it's a silly camp boyfriend.
I kissed many frogs after that first kiss with Jesse until I finally found my prince....Matt and I didn't share our first kiss until our second date. I wanted a kiss that first date but he says he was being a gentleman and didn't want to rush anything!
So how about you? Do you remember your first kiss? In honor of all things sweet and sappy, post a comment for a chance to win a goodie bag of my favorite chocolate candies...snickers...MM's and who knows what else!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
My first kiss was in 7th grade -- a boy named Donny. Ewww! Brian & I started dating 2 years later & I still like to kiss him...a lot! ;-)
Dang, I've been asleep at the wheel here if I didn't even comment on this one.
Ahhh... Jesse. Think I remember that name *wink*
My first kiss was at Adventureland Park, just outside of Des Moines, IA (Yes, Angie, I know YOU know where it is, but this is for the benefit of your readers). Our Jr. High band had gone there for some parade/competition and we spent the rest of the day riding rides, etc. It was a rainy and cool day, so the lines to the water rides were extremely short. Me and two of my band friends (girls) were riding one raft on the Raging River and this other raft had three boys on it. Since each raft seats 6 and no one else was waiting, we all got on the same raft and rode tother. So the six of us spent the day together and I paired up with a guy named Chris. We played games, I wore his sweatshirt because I was chilly, we shared funnel cake. He was from Davenport and I lived 5 hours away but he was older and he was learning to fly and I just knew he'd come and see me and we'd live happily ever after. So when it was time to get on the bus and head home, he and I shared a pleasant (but no fireworks/butterflies/fire in the belly stuff) first kiss. After that, I think we exchanged exactly one letter and one postcard.
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