*disclaimer-just because your website doesn't get mentioned on this post doesn't mean I don't love it. I love lots of websites. I'm just sharing some tidbits about some that happen to be in my head right now!!!
Do you have a plethora (don't you love that word) of "favorites" bookmarked on your computer? I have a ton on my desktop, but only a few here on my laptop. I thought I'd share some websites that I really like, as well as highlight a few of the blogs I have posted to the right of my page.
My favorite favorite favorite website (well, aside from facebook and my yahoo email!) is The Pioneer Woman. Her website is www.thepioneerwoman.com (I don't know how to make her name a little hyperlink like some of you fancy bloggers know. someone needs to teach me). Anyways, the Pioneer Woman is Ree Drummond- self proclaimed city girl turned rancher wife living in Oklahoma. What started out as a simple blog has turned into a major enterprise for her! Her "blog" is fabulous- she writes witty stuff usually centered around life on a ranch. She has a fabulous recipe section (and recently published a cookbook that is a bestseller). There's not a thing on her recipe section that I haven't loved so far. She has a "home and garden" section which covers a wide spectrum of things. She's a (very talented) photography nut and is always posting amazing pictures, photoshop tutorials, etc. And finally she homeschools 4 children, so there is a section about that. I am not patient or disciplined enough to homeschool, so I don't hit that tab too often! :0)
For recipes, I most often turn to allrecipes.com. On that site I like to search for what I'm looking for, oatmeal cookies for example, and then sort the search results by rating so you get the top rated / most rated recipes on the top of your listing. I've actually bookmarked a variety of the recipes individually in my favorites tab!
I've got a whole section of Disney sites bookmarked, both for my travel agent hat and my Disney-nut hat (would that be my mouse-ears?). Passporters.com is a great message board community of other Disney nuts. Disneyworld.com is one of Disney's main sites, and although it runs slow and sometimes is like searching for a needle in a haystack, you can often find a lot of information there!
www.etsy.com is a great site for finding cute handmade/homemade items. A great place for crafters to sell their goods, without being eaten up by the fees at ebay. The etsy community is a very sweet one!
Now onto some blogs I wanted to share with you!
One of Matt's old friends, Michelle, recently started a blog at www.rationalliving.blogspot.com
Michelle and her family, to prove that you CAN make significant change in your life for the good of the world around you, have challenged themselves to spend the year 2010 living under the rations of WWII. The government rationed food and goods back then to support the war effort, and so Michelle has her family doing the same thing. They want to see what it is like to really live with less. Where your needs are met, but life is not full of extravagance. While I can't quite get my head around it, don't understand all the math, etc...I can tell you it has made for some interesting reading for sure! Michelle is a history buff (or nerd, if you're her friend you can probably call her that!) so she's researched the heck out of this project and they are well on their way. And while I think it is crazy as in I don't think I would ever do it- it sure is quite the challenging project to watch from the sidelines! I love sitting over here at littleworthwhilemoments eating a cheeseburger while they are eating a spamburger over yonder :) Good luck Michelle!
My friend Abbe can be found at www.dollfamilyzone.blogspot.com She writes with such an honesty I often feel like I'm having a conversation with my computer! She's had some pretty neat things happen in her life recently that have been a joy to read about. She's one of the sweetest, nicest, most wonderful people I know and I'm glad she has a blog so we can peek in the window at her life since hectic lives makes it hard to connect in person most of the time! And did I mention what a gorgeous, photographic family they are?!
An old friend from high school gave birth to triplets almost two years ago, rather prematurely. While they sadly lost one of the triplets quite quickly, she has been blessed with lots to blog about with Lindy and Will's adventures. I have learned a lot about premature babies through reading her blog and a few others... and it's so amazing how far they have come! Go visit jamie at www.southernbabies.blogspot.com
Now if some of my old friends, or current friends had blogs, here are some names they could have used.
Debbi, my best friend, has a 6 yr old, a 4 yr old, and twin almost-2 yr olds. Her blog would probably be titled "get me a padded room! quick!" LOL--actually God knew what he was doing when he sent HER the twins and not me! (our little ones are just a few weeks apart).
Sarah, my neurotic, self-proclaimed OCD girlfriend would have to have a tagline that says "There's medication for that!" because that's what I was always telling her when she would get all worked up about things.
Kristi-my neighbor that I never can seem to catch just chillin at home might call her website "imeetmyselfcomingandgoing" .com
The neighbors across the street should have a blog called "yeswearethejackasses" . com -- I'm sure I'll blog about them someday.
My husband could start a blog called "iwishicouldwinthelotterybutatleastmywifealwaysmakesmecookies" .com
And what are some of your favorites?
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
1 comment:
Awwww, thanks Angie!! You've always been one of my best blog supporters!!
I'm totally digging your last 30 recipes post!
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