I'm sitting on my couch in front of the fire enjoying a diet dr. pepper and unwinding after a fun girls afternoon out.
For Christmas, my dad told me to get my step mom some "girlie" stuff. Diane is not a very pamper-yourself girly girl like I am. So I thought and thought about what to get her. I got her some comfy lounge-around-the-house jammies, and some candles, but needed to get her one more thing.
I finally thought "what is one of the girliest things we can do?" and the lightbulb clicked on. a PEDICURE!! So today I treated Brooke, Diane, and myself to a pedicure. Then Diane treated us to ice cream, and we capped our girls afternoon out off with a stop by Target. We had a great time and Diane thoroughly enjoyed her first-ever, and much-needed, pedicure!
I found out while we were there that she has only gotten her hair done at a salon-- as in CUT or styled/colored-- a few times in her life. She cuts her own hair. I've got to work on this girl.
Because it is great being a girl. We need to embrace our girliness, and pamper ourselves! We work hard as women and mommies, and we deserve some pampering!!!! I always say, when life is spinning out of control, the kids are driving us nuts, the husbands are being buttheads, that we need to at least lock ourselves in the bathroom long enough for a good soak in the tub and some toenail painting.
SO...amidst the busy hubbub of getting ready for Christmas, don't forget to take a few moments for yourself to be GIRLY!! Put on some mascara and lipstick, even if you're just running to walmart in your sweats.
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
1 comment:
We sooo need to get together for some girlie time. We do need that and that's something you don't do much when you're a mommy. Glad you had a great time!
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