Hi there! I don't know what to blog about but I feel like I've got some catching up to do! We're on major countdown mode for The Big Trip. There are piles of clothes everywhere....clothes for the cruise, clothes that Brooke has outgrown, clothes that Hannah doesn't quite fit into yet. It's nuts. And then of course there is the ever-present pile of clothes that "need put away." If I have my way we might all be going naked around here the last few days before our trip, because it's all going to be packed and we'll have nothing to wear!
But hey I said I didn't have anything to Blog about, so I'm going to share a recipe. Except that it isn't really a recipe b/c I don't have measurements...it's just something I threw together the other night.
I happened to have some Kraft Sun-Dried Tomato Vinegariette (however you spell that. I'm a good speller, I just don't care right now!) dressing in the fridge. So I thawed out some chicken breasts, smothered them in that dressing for awhile, and cooked them on the George Foreman (well, hamilton beach) grill. You could probably really grill them, but it's so windy here lately that ain't a happenin.
Cook some spaghetti. I like thin spaghetti.
After spaghetti is drained, toss it with some spaghetti sauce. You can use canned. It's okay. That day I actually didn't have any canned sauce, so I opened a can of tomato sauce, doctored it up with some onion and garlic that I'd sauteed in olive oil, threw in about 1 T of sugar, and some italian seasonings.
Anyways, toss the spaghetti and sauce together. Put it on your plate. Slice the chicken breasts into strips and lay across the top. Sprinkle with Mozzarella or Parmesan cheese.
That dressing really makes the chicken seem like a good Chicken Parmesan without going overboard on spaghetti sauce, and with no breading which is good.
Serve, obviously, with a garden salad. Yum.
Here's a question for you-- what's on your menu for Easter Sunday? We're actually going non-traditional and just having lasagna, garlic bread, salad and dessert. I'm in charge of dessert and I need to do something non-chocolate (because matt's grandpa is coming and he thinks he is allergic to chocolate). Any ideas?
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
4 months ago
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