Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hannah Hannah Hannah

My baby is going to be one on Sunday. In case you didn't know, we're "done" having this big upcoming birthday is kind of making my heart hurt! Hannah has been quite the little clown lately...and is living up to her nickname of "Monkey" too. She first climbed the stairs a few months ago but had since lost interest in them. She had never gotten past the little landing that is just three steps up. Yesterday I found her halfway up to the second floor. Not good. Today, she was up to the landing again. She is such a monkey. I've even seen her standing next to the couch, trying to get something just out of her reach...and she'll put her little foot on whatever she can to get a step up (my leg, the wipes box, etc), and then try to hike the other one up on the couch. We're in trouble. Brooke was never this adventurous. She is going to be a handful when she starts walking...!

Climbing...... Oooh look more stairs!....... You caught me!

For Valentine's day we got Brooke this squishy Hershey Kiss pillow. $10 at Dillon's, and the girls just love it. Hannah kept tossing it around the other day then flinging her little head down on it. She thinks it is just great. Wonder if I should find her one of these squishy pillows? It was such a hoot, I had to get the camera out. Brooke thought it was great too... they've really been playing together a lot (though a little rougher than maybe they should be?!).

Since I took so many pictures this week, thought I'd post a few extras...
I get these looks from Brooke a lot. Miss 'tude these days...

Hannah just having fun. She's almost always just a happy content child. Praise the Lord... in this one you can kind of see how her hair gets curly after her bath...

I didn't have any deep thoughts, or nifty ideas, or riveting reflections for it's all about my girlies.... which certainly has some entertainment value, at least for me!

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